About Us
Founded in 1911, Croker Fire Prevention has manufactured, assembled and distributed quality fire protection
equipment for over a century. As a division of Fire-End and Croker Corporation in Elmsford, New York, Croker
equipment has been installed in all types of commercial, industrial, and institutional settings all over the
United States and in many other countries worldwide.
All Croker products are manufactured to the highest quality standards, meeting or exceeding Underwriters
Laboratory, Factory Mutual and M.E.A. standards where applicable. The exceedingly comprehensive Croker line
offers equipment for practically every fire protection application.
Take a tour at Croker and Fire-End, Morris Group International® brands! Join us in
Elmsford, New York, where Fire End and Croker products are assembled, packaged,
and shipped to you. This fast-paced, one-minute drone tour will show you our team
hard at work to bring you quality fire protection products. We are proud to continue
our tradition of providing quality products and service to our customers worldwide.